Santiago de Compostella
Cathedral San Jacob, Spain
Estimated Release: 2024
Build by:
Mascioni, 1977
58 Stops
Bernard the Elder, Admirable Master, and Roberto, began the construction of the Romanesque Cathedral in 1075, during the reign of Alfonso VI, when Diego Peláez was bishop. After that initial stage, a number of historical changes suspended or, at least, slowed down the works until they were newly launched during in times of Archbishop Gelmírez, in 1100. The works were commissioned to Master Esteban (also known as “Maestro de Platerías”); little by little, the construction of the Cathedral progressed throughout the 12th century. In 1168 Master Mateo was commissioned to complete it, including the western closure and the building of the Choir in the main nave. In 1211 the Basilica was consecrated before Alfonso IX.
Although the fundamental medieval structure has been preserved, over the centuries the Cathedral has changed its physiognomy as a result of the building of the Cloister and its annex areas, during the Renaissance, and especially during the Baroque period, when works such as the main chapel, the organs, the closing of the chevet or the Obradoiro facade were carried out, among other important developments. During the Neoclassic period the new Azabachería facade was executed and over the past one hundred years different actions have continued to be carried out.
The great organ for the beautiful and important Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Spain was made by Mascioni in 1977, and it was restored, by Masconi, in 2014.
The impressive prospect is composed by the pipes belonging to Principal 16′, Principal 8′ and Flautada 8’… dated from 1700.
An impressive chamade prospect belongs to “Trompeta Magna 16′” and Trompeta real 8′”.
Principal 8'
Flautada chimenea 8'
Flauta 4'
Sesquiáltera 22/3
Quincena 2'
Decinovena 113
Veintidosena 1'
Címbala II 4'
Trompeta Real 8'
Cromorno 8'
Regalies 8'
Principal 16'
Bordón 16'
Principal 8
Flautado 8'
Flauta 8'
Octava 4'
Flauta Chimenea 4'
Docena 22/3
Quincena 2'
Decinovena 2'
Lleno IV
Corneta V 8'
Trompeta Magna 16'
Trompeta Real 8'
Trompeta 8'
Clarín 4'
Quintadena 16'
Principal 8'
Bordón 8'
Viola da gamba 8'
Octava 4'
Flauta 4'
Lleno V 2'
Nazardo 22/3
Flautin 2'
Flauta diecisetena 1⅗
Voz celeste 8'
Fagot 16'
Trompeta Real 8'
Clarin 4'
Contras 16'
Subbajo 16'
Bordón 16'
Quinta 10⅔
Bajo 8'
Principal 8'
Bordón 8'
Quinta 513
Octava 4'
Flauta 4'
Lleno VI 23/3
Bombarda 32' Ext.
Bombarda 16'
Fagot 16'
Trompeta 8'
Fagot 8'
Clarin 4'
Technical Information
Sample and bit rate: 48kHz, 24 Bit
2 Channels (Stereo)
Tremulant: Artificially generated
Software required: Hauptwerk v4.2+
Memory Requirements (Lossless Compression)
24 Bit, 2 channel stereo: - GB
16 Bit, 2 channel stereo: - GB
For ranks labelled L/R, load these in Mono to save memory, this has no effect on the sound quality.
These requirements might vary slightly, allow about 2GB on top of this amount to calculate the minimum
you should have installed on your computer for it to run without issues.